Visual Arts

Go to:  Visual Arts  •  Performing Arts  •  Library  •  Technology Integration  •  Makerspace

Visual arts classes are held for all students at Beechwood grades TK through 8. Our students are exposed to a wide variety of artists every year, classic and modern. They build upon their art vocabulary year after year, and are delivered art history on a regular basis in a casual and non- intimidating environment. Their many hands-on projects are presented in a way that values process over product and they are also free to explore their own interests at times. The goal of our program is to have students who are very conversant in art, artists and art history, and who are also free and confident enough to pursue their artistic goals on a personal level. 

We partner with a local law firm on an annual winter art contest that is open to all grades, with awards given to one artist in each grade at our December assembly.  Student work is also displayed in the surrounding community on occasion. Look for our talented artists at the Menlo Park and Belle Haven libraries.